The following Classmates, not including their guests, attended one of more of the events:
Bob Anderson
Bill Bandhauer
Larry Barkley
Dan Bates
Debbie Beavers
Pat Blackford
Pat Blair
Becky Bohlman
Dave Brookins
Susie Brown
Chris Cardon
Gary Carpenter
John Chotras
Paco Cruz
Linda Cusimano
Allen Cutler
Cathy Merrell-Downey
Don Duncan
Nancy Dunnigan
Wid Everett (1968)
David Fanning
Debbie Gallacci
John Gantt
Roxanna Godbold
Martha Gring
Carol Hightower
Rick Hosier
Jay Jett
Kirk Johnston (1968)
Jim Keown
Janet Knauss
Tom Kouts
Tom Large
Nancy Lambert
Connie Largent (East High Graduate)
Lana Largent (East High Graduate)
Cornelia Lattuca
Gary Lewallen
Tom Lilley
Jack Lunsford (1968)
Nyla Mandelin
Nancy Masonberg
Deano McDonald
Ed McKenzie
Randy McKnight
Christie Melczer
Faith Meldrum
Cathy Merrell-Downey
Patty Neely
Karen Perry
Marty Pritchard
Wayne Rogers
Larrie Romley
Charlene Rynish (1970)
Betty Schade
Debbie Shields
Chuck Smith
Mary Snow (1970)
Peter Spaw
Tom Sutton (1968)
Beth Tegarden
Nancy Tokos (1970)
Steve Vannasdale
Mick(ey) Walt
Anna White
Kate Woodward
Merrilee Wright
Cathy Yakupcak (Longview Elementary)