In Memoriam – as of 9/30/2019


In memory of our fellow classmates . . .


Robert Adams Jr.
Carole J Aksamit (Himmelberger)
Rexanne Alworth
Donna L Anderson (Cornell)
Linda Arthur (Cordova)
Donald Ayers
David Balcerzak
Manuel “Rick” Beck
Mary A Bethancourt
Rosemary Boehme (McCain)
Larry R Brand
Robert “Bob“ Brown
Yvette M Bubiak (Stobbs)
Pamela Schultz-Canty
Dalene “Dutch” Carson (Fuqua)
William C Casillas
Saralee “Karen” Coons
Daniel Louis Covelli (Mason)
Larry B Crimmens
Nathan Dockery
Edward “Ed“ Estes
Timothy W Evens
Walter F Figura Jr.
Jack P Finch Jr.
Steven Floyd
Steve Goldyn
Carol Henderson
Gary M Hodge
Greg Howard
Janice E Hutcheson (Minisquero)
Teresa Kohler
Steven J Krainess
Margaret E Marley (Bradford)
Robert J McClure
Charlotte “Cam“ Mercer
Denise M Mishanec
Ronald Moeller
Donald C Moody
Donald L Myers
Keith L Norton
Janet L Ong
Michael E Rork
Janice Schwakopf
Carla A Singer
Jim Spoon
Richard L Stephens
Charles “Chuck” Stocks
Frederick “Wes“ Thompson
Mark Trauscht
Junior Trujillo
Louis F Valdivia
Carolyn E Wade
Richard S Winston


The organizers, committee members and others involved in gathering of this information assume no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content, above. The referenced information contained in this site has been provided from research through various third-party sources and may not be 100% reliable. This information, therefore, is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees as to its completeness, accuracy or usefulness. If an error is discovered, expected or known, please advise one of the committee members.